Connect young people with dedicated Tuakana for impactful one-on-one mentoring today.


It takes as little as an hour a week to spark potential in a young person

Support A CHILD

Help build positive relationships that are critical to childhood development

We believe potential lives within every young person.  Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors help form strong positive relationships that express care, challenge growth, share power, and expand possibilities.

Our mentors help ignite youth potential.

Quality youth mentoring, that works

Through quality training, Big Brothers Big Sisters equips Mentors with the ability to ignite potential and build resilience in young people all over Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand is part of the world’s largest volunteer mentoring network.  We make professionally supervised mentoring matches between adults and young people (aged approx. six to twelve) throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

A white background with a few lines on it

Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand

is part of the

world’s largest volunteer mentoring network

A hand is holding a coin with a heart on it.

As a national not-for-profit organisation, Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand relies entirely on community grants, business sponsorship and donations to provide their quality mentor training.

Studies show that 98% of the youth we mentor believe they now make better life choices as a result of the relationship with their ‘Tuakana’ (mentor)

A black and white icon of two hands reaching up.

Tuakana - Teina

Mā te tuakana te teina e tōtika, mā te teina te tuakana e tōtika

From the older the younger will learn, from the younger the older will learn.
Where the older has responsibilities to the younger, so does the younger to the older.

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