Limited finances and family situations meant she’d had
limited opportunities for new experiences or involvement in after school activities. Ayshja met her mentor Elisabeth and they hit it off right away. Elisabeth has given Ayshja a wealth of new experiences from outdoor adventures, to sewing her own swimsuit, building projects and attending
community events.
Elisabeth has gently encouraged Ayshja to try new things and found a spark in her while at the swimming pool. Ayshja loves swimming more than anything else. Through our life skills fund, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson-Tasman was able to fund Ayshja to attend swimming lessons for a term. She loved the routine, discipline,
challenge and successes during this term. Ayshja was desperate to continue so we approached the Sports Nelson Tasman Trust who kindly funded her lessons for the remainder of the year.
The support of her mentor Elisabeth and the opportunities gained from swimming have helped Ayshja to build her confidence and selfesteem.
Ayshja worked hard and was moved into the Bronze Squad. She nearly pulled out at the end of last year due to not being able to tumble-turn. However, they worked together and Elisabeth joined Ayshja in the pool.
She was ecstatic when she finally mastered it and this success was a fantastic end to the year.
Ayshja has since decided that she would like to find a way to fund her own lessons through fundraising. Elisabeth supports this venture and sees it as a fantastic opportunity for Ayshja to
learn that through hard work she can achieve anything she wants in life.
Ayshja is no longer bullied at school. Through building her confidence and sharing her skills,
Elisabeth has taught her to stand up for herself and not allow others to treat her unkindly. Ayshja
is able to talk to lots of different people now and has made new friends. Recently, she made friends with a girl at school that she recognised was being bullied and excluded. Ayshja continues to grow into a confident young woman supported by her fantastic mentor Elisabeth. Ayshja’s Mum is extremely grateful and feels that Elisabeth has put the spark back in her little girl’s eyes.
Drew Ewan
National CEO
Chelsea Routhan
National Operations Director
Matthew Button
National Practice Manager
Cushla Duncan
National Communications Manager